General Requirements
The minimum standard requirements for Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Eka Prasetya (Eka Prasetya Journal of Accounting Studies) are:
-Written in Indonesian except Abstract.
-The length of the submitted paper is at least 8 pages and not more than 15 pages.
-Use tools Mendeley or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and choose an APA style make sure your paper is prepared using the Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis Eka Prasetya (Eka Prasetya Journal of Accounting Studies) paper template.
Structure of The Manuscript
Manuscripts must be prepared and it is recommended to attend following the structure:
Title. The title of the paper is a maximum of 10 words, without abbreviations
Abstract. Abstract maximum of 200 WORDS; No quote; State in an abstract the main objectives, research design, methodology, main results, and results, and conclusions.
Part structure. Authors are advised to present their articles in a section structure: Introduction - Literature Review - Methods - Results and Discussion - Conclusions
Reference (optional). Expect a minimum of 7 references preferably with a minimum of 10% accredited journal articles and not older than 5 years.
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